Media Statements

DENOSA has concluded its mandate collection on the current wage offer by Government and the outcome as mandated by members is to accept the offer, 

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DENOSA National Student Movement rejects the release of student nurses to work as COVID-19 vaccinators

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DENOSA KZN invites all healthcare workers to take initiative in the prevention of the rise in numbers of healthcare workers who are infected by coronavirus currently.

Media Statement
Wednesday, 08 July 2020
Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA) in KwaZulu-Natal notes with grave concern the increasing rate of healthcare workers who contract COVID-19 lately and others becoming very sick and others passing away after being diagnosed with COVID-19.
This is very saddening, demotivating and at the same time poses a threat to the healthcare system which is already on its knees with shortage of healthcare workers.
It is clear that our government does not put lives of healthcare workers as a priority. Apart from being healthcare providers, nurses are human too and are not immune from this deadly pandemic. This is evident in the Government's personnel at an operational level refusing and failing to provide proper PPE to front line workers, thus putting their lives in danger and also refusing to accomodate their views in the management of COVID-19.
It has been also evident through the behaviour of some managers hiding information regarding the incidents where there are identified positive cases in the workplace and healthcare workers continue to provide their services in a contaminated area, risking their lives, patients' lives and lives of their colleagues.
It is for these reasons that DENOSA KZN  sees the need to invite healthcare workers to rise to the occassion and take initiative in the care of their own lives while caring for the patients, community and the public.
This will be achieved through participative communication between healthcare workers, their professional organisation DENOSA through available platfotms including social media and direct conversations.
The basic principles of keeping social distancing, washing of hands with soap and water, use of sanitiser, correct use and wearing of masks, avoidance of touching mouth, nose and eyes remain critical and cannot be over-emphasised as they form pillars of safety precautions in the prevention of COVID-19.
DENOSA is on a mission to establish the root cause of these increasing infections among healthcare workers and this can only be achieved if every member shares their views, opinions and experiences.
These are testing times that require all of us to remain united, focused and vigilant in our everyday lives, in the workplace, at home and in public spaces. Let us lead by example in the communities where we live and in the workplace, because good role modelling can play a remarkable role during this period.
Let us stand together to curb the scourge of COVID-19. 
Issued by the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa
(DENOSA) in KwaZulu-Natal 
For more information, contact:
Mandla Shabangu, DENOSA KZN Provincial Secretary 
Cell: 0716433369/031 305 1417