
DENOSA salute Forensic Nurses this Women's Month. 

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Posting on social media networks can invite disciplinary procedures against employees.


DENOSA would like to remind nurses who are members in its social media platforms to be extremely careful when posting on the social media platforms of the organisation, as that may contravene their workplace social media policy.

There are examples of nurses who have either gone through disciplinary hearings or have been given verbal warnings in their workplace for what they have posted on these platforms because the posts somehow found their way to managers in the facilities.

DENOSA supports freedom of expression as enshrined in Section 16 of the country's Constitution and all its sub-sections, but would like to warn that social media is a cyber space that is easily accessible by anyone, including employers.

Furthermore, there are posts by nurses that, if intercepted by employer, may be interpreted as dereliction of duty or admitting thereof in writing, or breaching Confidentiality.

The underlying message is: Exercise extreme caution while expressing yourself freely.

DENOSA would like to urge nurses to familiarise themselves with their workplace social media policies, so they remain on the safe side at all times.
