By Simon Hlungwani. DENOSA President.
Being an NNA does not become automatic. You get registered. In 1973, SANA got disqualified from ICN.
Post- democracy, Denosa, in 1998, DENOSA was reaffiliated to ICN. That is why DENOSA is an NNA.
Denosa was the product of the amalgamation of homeland nursing associations.
The end goal is to work with happy nurses.
During COVID-19 pandemic, we advocated for mandatory provision of PPEs and isolation of exposed health care workers.
We are advocating for fair health practices towards attaining UHC.
He reiterated that DENOSA supports NHI.
“It would be a fallacy to say a nurses are happy if socio-economic conditions of the nurses are not take care of.”
We are advancing the nursing profession, by assisting nurses to advance their academic needs through the provision of a research journal.
The celebration of the International Nurses Day is not by default or mistake. It has been achieved after many years of struggle by an NNA to have governments putting aside the budgets for the international nurses day celebrations.
It only comes because the NNA has fought for it. It is now pleasing to see the day being celebrated throughout the country with good budgets put aside by governments and the day becoming popular by each year. It is also good to see the day being celebrated in different days within the month of May.
We also push for the nursing structure where we say there should be the establishment of nursing directorates in provinces. We note that this is not often the case, and there are instances where a Chief Nursing Officer resigns, you find the CNO is not replaced.
Nurses are tired of having their problems over and over again without any resolution. When SANC goes to inspect institution, you still find that we are defeating ourselves as a nursing profession by borrowing resources that are short in the area that SANC will be visiting.
We will still not have the resources, which defeats the purpose.
On creating partnerships, DENOSA has assisted nurses in the DRC, Mozambique and supported nurses in Botswana, Zambia.
DENOSA is also affiliated strategic organisations like SANNAM, CNFM.
“We have fought for the appointment of the nurses to become CEOs of hospitals, and the establishment of the office of the Chief Nursing Officer.”
We try to block the unethical recruitment of nurses for developed markets. For instance, the developed countries are aiming to recruit 5000 nurses from our shores this year only.
“We say, United we care and share.”
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