Celebrating 27 years of uniting nurses




DENOSA provides a learning platform as a means to assist nurses with their career paths. DENOSA does this through partnering with various partners to ensure that nurses get their CPD opportunities as this will be a requirement once the nursing regulatory body approves the CPD regime for nursing in the country.

On this platform, we afford nurses with an opportunity to be kept updated on various aspects of nursing careers and leadership.

Partnership with Word Continuing Education Alliance (WCEA):
DENOSA has partnered with the World Continuing Education Alliance (WCEA) to provide online short courses and training opportunity that serves various needs of nurses. These assist nurses to earn CPD points.

Free CPD in-house online courses

The constraints of distance, time and place of learning have been reduced with the introduction of e-learning, which will soon become a reality when the actual implementation of the DPI’s learning programmes.

Learners enrolled with the DPI will be able to develop professionally in nursing without limitations of work, personal, or even social circumstances. All that the individual learner needs is access to a computer. While e-learning enhances lifelong learning (learning throughout life) it also actualizes ICT’s (Information & Communication Technologies) role in expanding the levels of literacy.

Amongst many of the benefits of e-learning, DPI-registered nursing learners are able to communicate with their educators and facilitators, access work given in their respective choice of courses, and check their results. These are only few of the benefits associated with e-learning. 

Register For A Online Course

Register Now – Click Here
Powerd by WCEA

WCEA partners with MDI to launch 9 new online management programmes for managers in Sub-Saharan Africa

In its ongoing efforts to capacitate nurses and midwives from Sub-Saharan Africa into better clinicians and managers of healthcare facilities, the World Continuing Education Alliance (WCEA) has partnered with the Management Development Institute (MDI) at the Global Business School Network (GBSN) to launch 9 new online management programmes designed to equip frontline healthcare workers in Sub-Saharan Africa with core managerial knowledge to run and develop their respective institutions efficiently and effectively.

Thanks to DENOSA’s partnership with WCEA, the management programmes are now available online for free to DENOSA members and are now part of the hundreds of other online CPD clinical programmes available to DENOSA members to expand their horizons and sharpen their careers at no cost to them! DENOSA members are encouraged to take part in these courses as part of their continuous professional development, which will put them in good leadership position in their careers.

The new programmes are:

  • Organisational Planning
  • Leadership and Human Resources Management
  • Data and Information Management
  • Operations Management
  • Social Marketing Module  
  • Ethics and Governance
  • M&E for the Frontline Health Manager
  • Health Economics for Frontline Health Managers
  • Financial Accounting

To benefit from the management courses and hundreds more clinical online CPD courses for free, DENOSA members must first join the online platform and register by filling in their details in the following link (using their DENOSA membership numbers or ID numbers if they don’t know their membership numbers): https://engagement.wcea.education/den

For nurses and midwives who are willing to benefit from the hundreds of courses but are not DENOSA members yet, they are encouraged to join DENOSA by filling the online form: https://www.denosa.org.za/join-denosa/

New additional clinical programmes have been finalized and will be launched shortly. These will include Cardiovascular Nursing, Critical Care, Oncology and Palliative Care.