Celebrating 27 years of uniting nurses

DENOSA delegates attend ECSACON 15th Biennial Scientific Conference in eSwatini 

A delegation of 21 DENOSA representatives is attending ECSACON’s 15th Biennial Scientific Conference and 7th Quadrennial General Assembly, which is scheduled for 13-17 September 2022 at Esibayeni Lodge in Manzini, eSwatini. 

Delegates from DENOSA are led by national office bearers, provincial leaders and leaders from the DENOSA Student Movement. 

The conference is held under the theme: “Nursing and Midwifery around the world: An investment to attain Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

The conference will look, among others:

  • Building a sustainable improvement for nursing and midwifery workforce.  
  • COVID19 lessons learnt from nurses and midwives on the frontline.
  • Innovation and use of digital technologies in nursing and midwifery. 
  • Communicable and non-communicable diseases, including mental health; and 
  • Workplace violence. 

Attending the conference from the East, Central and Southern African countries are nursing regulatory bodies, nurse educators, chief nursing officers, national nursing associations, practicing nurses and nurse researchers. DENOSA, as a national nursing association, is representing South Africa. 

The conference will lay bare scientific evidence on the challenges, and lessons, that nurses and midwives encountered and learnt on the clinical frontline, particularly as a result of COVID-19, in East, Central and Southern African (ECSA) region.

The conference is also looking at ways to build a sustainable improvement for nursing and midwifery workforce.

The shortage of nurses and midwives globally, which is affecting the ECSA region even more, will top the agenda and reverberate through the corridors of the conference and is being looked at from a 4-D perspective: education, regulation, practice and research.


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