Media Statement
Monday, 22 May 2023
POLOKWANE – The Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa( DENOSA) in Limpopo Province held its ordinary Provincial Executive Committee over two days, from the 18th to the 19th of May 2023.
The meeting deliberated on several issues affecting nurses with the intention to defend the interests of members and to positively advance the well-being of nurses in the province. The PEC emphasized that the Unity of Nurses is sacrosanct and should be defended and always encouraged.
This PEC took place at a time when the nursing profession is under attack in the province. DENOSA is seriously shocked and angered by the attacks directed to nurses as evidenced by incidents at Morutji clinic, Madumane Village, Relela clinic, Pietersburg Hospital and Maphutha Malatji Hospital.
Capacity Building amongst Shop stewards.
The PEC deliberated, resolved and made commitment to continue to build DENOSA structures in all hospitals and PHC and to ensure that the organisation remains the union of choice for all the nurses in the province. The PEC further resolved on rolling out shop stewards training in all five districts in the province starting from the 19th June 2023 to equip shop stewards with the knowledge and skills to be equal to the task of defending the nursing profession and nurses in the province.
The PEC further resolved on strengthening the relationship with Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and DITSELA in building capacity amongst the shop stewards at branch level.
Attack and harassment of Nurses in the Workplace.
The organisation has observed the incidents of attack on nurses by community members in the clinics and hospitals, particularly in Mopani, Capricorn and Vhembe Regions as evidenced by incidents at Morutji clinic, Madumane Village, Relela clinic, Pietersburg hospital and Maphutha Malatji hospital.
These barbaric acts of attack compromise the safety of nurses and affect them psychologically. It further affects provision of health services to our communities negatively. Four incidents of attacks were reported from Mopani Region since the beginning of this month and two perpetrators were arrested, one already appeared in court where he was granted bail. There were also few incidents reported in Vhembe and Capricorn Regions.
DENOSA Limpopo condemns any form of attack directed to nurses in and out of the workplace. It is upon the Department of Health to make assessment of Security and ensure that competent officers are allocated in the clinics and hospitals .
Implementation of 24-hour Service in PHC outside the Policy
The organisation received several complains from nurses from the clinics who are forced to open clinics and provide 24 hours service despite the facilities not complying with the Policy on Provision of 24 Hours in the PHC facilities.
PHC Managers continues to undermine the Policy by giving nurses verbal instructions to open clinics to provide 24 hours services, harass and intimidate nurses who raise concerns about non-compliance with the policy particularly in Vhembe district where some nurses were evicted from nurses’ residents, precautionary transferred to hospitals and some were subjected to disciplinary processes. Nurses were advised to lodge grievances which were not attended to. The attempts to meet with Vhembe district failed despite several attempts made by the organisation.
DENOSA makes a call to District Executive Managers and Operational Managers in all districts to refrain from this delinquent behavior and comply with the Policy on Provision of 24 hours in the PHC. DENOSA views this deliberate and intentional deviation from the Policy as a continuing tendency to undermine collective bargaining as the Policy was negotiated and concluded at Limpopo Chamber. The organisation further calls upon the Managers in the PHC to stop harassing nurses but to respect and implement Policy as prescribed.
Implementation of New Nursing Programmes by Limpopo College of Nursing.
The PEC deliberated on Nurses Intake for training under Limpopo College of Nursing and noted the college and Department of Health for having first intake with first cohort of students who started training in March 2023.
DENOSA is grossly disappointed with the small number of students admitted for training which is only 108 despite the college accreditation to train 390 in all its five campuses which are Giyani, Thohoyandou, Sekhukhune, Sovenga and Waterberg. The organisation is further disappointed with the exclusion of Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries and Enrolled Nurses from this intake.
DENOSA calls upon the Department of Health and Limpopo College of nurses to speed up the process of developing Policy on Recognition of Prior-Learning to afford Enrolled Nursing Auxiliaries and Enrolled Nurses who do not meet direct admission requirements to be allowed opportunity for admission to enrol for Diploma in Nursing (R171)
DENOSA is further calling upon the Department of Health and Treasury to prioritise nurses training in their budgetary processes considering shortage of nurses in the clinics and hospitals which denies our communities access to health services in the clinics and hospital in the province.
IND Celebration 2023.
The Organisation successfully held celebration on 12 May 2023 in 13 hospitals in the province including Private hospitals under the theme “Our Nurses, Our Future” The day was successfully celebrated at Donald Fraser, Tshilidzini, Elim, Pietersburg, Mankweng, Thabamopoo, Netcare Pholoso, Thabazimbi, FH Ordendaal, St Ritas, Phildadelpia, Nkhensani and Letaba Hospitals in the Province. The celebration was decentralized to Districts to afford nurses opportunity to be part of the celebration in their localities without travelling a long distance.
The PEC mandated the POBs to engage the Department of Health on issues including opening of clinics to provide 24 hours service in compliance with the policy, shortage of nurses and support staff, nurses training , transfer of none nursing services from corporate service to nursing section.
The PEC furthermore resolved embark on campaigns that deal with other challenges confronting nurses in the workplaces such attack of nurses, shortage of nurses and support staff in the clinics and hospitals, nurses training and implementation of 24-hour service Policy.
Jacob Molepo
Provincial Secretary
Mobile: 0725764979
Lesiba Monyaki
Provincial Chairperson
Mobile : 0725782753