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DENOSA Northern Cape Media Statement on the Arrest of Northern Cape Department of Health Senior Officials for PPE Procurement.

Media statement.

Friday, 25 August 2023.

KIMBERLEY – The Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA) in Northern Cape takes note of the arrest of the HOD for Health, Dr Dion Theys, and other Department of Health senior officials on the charges of fraud, corruption, money laundering and contravening the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), in which the provincial department of health suffered a loss of R16.9m.

DENOSA was disappointed in the re-appointment of Dr Dion Theys, as the HOD for Health in the Northern Cape, while he was still under investigation by the HAWKS and him remaining in office after being found guilty last week for concluding lease agreements for student accommodation at the Henrietta Stockdale Nursing College without following the proper procedures.

DENOSA welcomes the arrests of those who were involved in stealing from the state as we do not condone criminal behaviour by any official, especially those who have been placed in a position of trust. DENOSA therefore demands the immediate suspension of all senior officials implicated in these illegal actions while internal investigations of the Department of Health are underway.

The NCDOH has been plagued by instability in top management for a number of years and this has resulted in a decline in the quality of health services delivered to our communities. DENOSA has engaged on several occasions with the department on various health-related issues which affect the performance of nurses and other health professionals. But, because of the continuous change of management, resolutions were not implemented for the simple reason that discussions had to be started afresh with every new HOD.

DENOSA therefore calls upon the Premier of the province and the MEC for Health to immediately engage with relevant stakeholders, including DENOSA and other health unions, to resolve on matters that will bring stability to the department as well as to put measures in place that will ensure that corruption is seeded out of the department of health in the Northern Cape.


Issued by DENOSA in Northern Cape.

For more information, contact:

Anthony Vassen, Provincial Secretary.

Mobile: 072 569 9838

Email: anthonyv@denosa.org.za

Gilbert Sak, Provincial Chairperson.

Mobile: 072 472 9137

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