Celebrating 27 years of uniting nurses

Chairperson’s report on the work of the 16th Council for the term: Dr Moshibudi Molepo.


She reported on the statutory committees that the Council has.

Social and ethics committee has not been established but remains the outstanding proposal.

“The Council strives for excellence. Our mandate is to regulate nursing and midwifery profession while protecting the community.”

We have few achievements. “We wanted to make sure that we have a fit-for purpose Council.”

Turn-around time for payment of service providers.

PERSAL system deductions that has assisted the nurses and private hospital groups paying in bulks for all their nurses has saved many nurses time and costs.

Communication and Marketing strategy. Website revamping to become user-friendly.

Things that nurses do not do well catch the headlines. To address this, the Council came up with a video on promoting nursing as a career.

#BeThatNurse campaign by SANC, to encourage nurses to be that exceptional nurse.

Improving the image of the nursing profession through the introduction of the Excellence Awards.

Improving stakeholder engagement through technology for engagement, e-register etc.

Accredited two under-graduate programmes and over 50 post-graduate nursing programmes.

Rolling out CPD and piloting in four provinces.

Collaborated with other regulatory bodies within SADC. Namibia is present as a result that.

There are things we couldn’t achieve, and many of the glitches were related to COVID-19, which included glitches with member management systems.


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