Celebrating 27 years of uniting nurses

DENOSA Gauteng condemns SANCO Gauteng’s interim coordinating committee on its unfounded malicious statement released on 19 June 2022 

JOHANNESBURG – The Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA) in Gauteng has noted with disappointment and condemns the malicious political campaign statement released by a factional clique of SANCO, labelling itself as an interim provincial coordinating committee (IPCC). 

This IPCC makes various allegations in their statement and seek to position themselves as a mouthpiece of workers in Tembisa Hospital, in particular the nursing staff. 

We wish to caution SANCO especially their mouthpiece Mpho Sesedinyana, who was once exposed for corruption on special assignment, to desist from trying to find relevance by making unfounded malicious allegations meant to influence the upcoming provincial conference of the ANC in Gauteng. 

DENOSA Gauteng wishes to put on record the following: 

  • All organised labour shop stewards at Tembisa Hospital enjoy legitimacy of members and we have full confidence in their ability to represent workers independently and these shop stewards are not in the pockets of management.
  • The nursing staff is not intimidated or harassed and continues to work tirelessly to provide quality healthcare to the community of Tembisa despite challenges and are doing a great job especially in the maternity and neonatal units. 
  • Organized labour continues to work with the CEO of the hospital, and the facility is now stable since Dr. Mthunzi took over the reigns and the institution has turned over the new leaf.
  • The morale of the staff is not low – the staff continues to work hard and serve with a smile in line with the serving campaign at the institution. 
  • We have not witnessed any corruption and, as unions, we will expose any corruption we see in the institution as a matter of principle. 
  • Organised labour continues to work with the MEC of Health and our relationship is cordial in dealing with matters in the Department of Health with the aim of building a responsive health system. 

We also wish to educate SANCO that corruption is reported to law enforcement agencies which possess the necessary competency to deal with such. Seeking a meeting with political party officials clearly exposes the motive behind this desperate attempt to find relevance and to negotiate for space to be accommodated in times of party elections. 

This clique must not use the noble name of SANCO to find relevance – they must focus on building SANCO and raising genuine issues affecting our communities as a civic movement. 

We call on this clique to allow Tembisa Hospital to conduct its work and afford the facility space to serve the community and not be defocused by political wind of elections. The civic organisation is too important for the welfare of society for it to be used as a pawn in a political fight.   


Issued by DENOSA in Gauteng. 

For more information, contact:

Cde Simphiwe Gada – Provincial Chairperson 

Mobile: 072 563 1923

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