Wednesday, 31 May 2023.
JOHANNESBURG – The student nurses who are completing their three-year R171 nursing programme today to become general nurses at the Gauteng College of Nursing will be marching to the Premier’s Office in downtown Johannesburg to demand that their stipend continue until they write their SANC Board Exams in November.
Student nurses from all the four campuses of the College will converge and gather at Library Gardens for their march, which will commence at 09h00.
The Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOS) in Gauteng is in full support of the fair demands by the students, and has made transport available for students in all campuses to the march.
Details of the march are as follows:
DATE: Wednesday, 31 March 2023.
TIME: 09h00.
VENUE: To gather at Library Gardens, and then proceed to the Premier’s Office.
CONTACT PERSON: Bongani Mazibuko, DENOSA Gauteng Provincial Secretary.
Mobile: +27 72 620 8806.
Issued by DENOSA in Gauteng.