DENOSA and Netcare sign wage agreement
March 2020 to February 2021 period
DENOSA and Netcare, under the Nursing Bargaining Unit, signed the wage agreement on behalf of nurses at eight hospitals belonging to the group for the period 1 March 2020 to 28 February 2021.
The agreement is for nurses in the following hospitals:
- Netcare Bougainville Hospital
- Netcare Clinton Hospital
- Netcare Femina Hospital
- Netcare Ferncrest Hospital
- Netcare Garden City Hospital
- Netcare Kingsway Hospital
- Netcare Rehabilitation Hospital
- Netcare St Anne’s Hospital
The agreement entails the annual increase of 5% across the board for nursing staff effective from 1 March 2020, as well as an additional 0.25% to the existing Skills Allowance calculated on the employee’s current structured package.
Under the agreement, the employer contribution towards Netcare Medical Scheme has increased to R2, 363 per month.
Furthermore, the parties agreed to increase the nursing minimum salaries by 4.5% as outlined below:
- Enrolled Nursing Assistant (ENA) – Entry: R8 301.00
- nrolled Nurse (EN) – Entry: R10 376.00
- Registered Nurse (RN) – Entry: R16 722.00
- Registered Nurse Specialised Qualified (RNQ) – Entry: R24 651.00
The parties agreed to increase the special unit allowances, while still retaining the same criteria as per previous collective agreements, in respect of appropriately qualified/experienced nursing staff working in these special units as follows:
- RNQ* – ICU, NNICU and HC (where employer requests employee to work in HC: R3 464.00
- RNQ* – Recovery and High Care: R2 563.00
- RN with Netcare Education 6 month certificate – ICU and NNICU: R2 011.00
- RN with Netcare Education 6 month certificate – Recovery: R1 610.00
- RN Experienced – ICU, NNICU, HC and Recovery: R1 474.00
- EN with Netcare Education 6 month certificate – ICU, NNICU: R1000.00
- EN – ICU, NNICU and Recovery: R949.00
- EN – HC: R601.00
- ENA – ICU, NNICU and Recovery: R534.00
- ENA – HC: R353.00
On Labour and Maternity Ward Allowance, the parties agreed to increase the allowance for Professional Nurses who work in a Maternity Ward to:
- R328.00 per month for all Registered Nurses who have successfully completed the Netcare Education 6 months In-service Certificate Programme in Maternity Nursing.
- R492.00 per month for all Registered Nurses with the Midwifery qualification.
- R848.00 per month for all Registered Nurses who have 12 month post- graduate Advanced Midwifery qualification.
- Unit Allowances for part-time employees would be pro-rated based on hours per week worked.
Other departmental allowances which have increased under the agreement include nurses working in Emergency Department, as well as aligning of Travel Allowance to SARS’ rate.