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DENOSA HIV & Gender Unit
Is responsible for ensuring that DENOSA members’ gender and HIV & AIDS interests and concerns find expression in the bargaining councils and policy-making platforms.
To realise this goal, the unit maintains utmost presence and visibility in policy consultative forums. Some of the key platforms that DENOSA participates in include the South African National AIDS Committee Treatment & Care Task Team, Public Service International & COSATU gender committee.
Participation at grassroots level is fostered through the establishment of gender structures at local, regional, provincial and national level as enshrined in the organisation’s constitution. The establishment of such structures seeks to facilitate the decentralisation of the organisation’s gender mainstreaming and programming activities in all the 9 provinces where DENOSA has its presence. The mandate of gender structures is:
- Develop & consolidate the organizations’ position papers from all levels on gender issues to be tabled in bargaining forums.
- Champion the organizations’ gender & HIV programming & capacity building initiatives in the respective provinces.
- Carry out gender audits in hospitals & develop advocacy programmes accordingly.
- Ensure that the organization takes up gender related issues as part of its broader working struggle.
- All constitutional structures of the organization are composed by at least fifty percent women representation.
- Attend to any matter referred to them by their respective executive structures whilst retaining powers to address any matter of gender discrimination or of failure of the structure to execute organization policy.
To facilitate effective gender programming and mainstreaming, this unit also coordinates members’ gender & HIV & AIDS capacity building initiatives through conferences and workshops to enable informed and scientifically sound gender programming and mainstreaming.
This unit also participates actively in the following world commemorations:
- Mothers’ Day Celebrations; Women’s month commemorations;
- 16 days’ of Commemorations;
- International Day against Violence against Women;
- International Human Rights Day;
- International Women Human Rights Defenders Day; and
- World AIDS Day Celebrations
As a COSATU affiliate, DENOSA’s gender unit seats on the COSATU national gender committee and actively participants in gender activities organised by COSATU. The organization draws most of its membership from the public sector and based on that the union is also affiliated to the Public Services International, an international federation for public services trade unions.

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- Tel: 012 343 2315