Media statement Thursday, 11 March 2021 DENOSA in Limpopo is appalled by the poor state of Laastehoop Clinic in Ga-Molepo in the Capricorn District which is smothered by bad odour from human faeces upon entry into the poorly-fenced yard at the clinic, as can be seen in the attached photos.
Various calls in the form of communicares by the healthcare workers at the clinic, to the District office, to fix the bad state of the facility has fallen in deaf ears. This is one of the poorly maintained, dilapidated and fowl-smelling clinics in Limpopo where nurses are expected to render thee best nursing care to our beloved communities. The clinic has bad smell coming from the iron corrugated toilet which nurses and clients are sharing. It’s imperative for the Department to act swiftly and correct this horrible mess with immediate effect. We can’t tolerate this mess anymore.
This poses a serious health hazard to both the community and our health care professionals at large. Snakes are forever terrorizing the bushy clinic. DENOSA is at the institution as part of its campaign to visit its members in the workplace to check the conditions which they work under. End Issued by DENOSA Limpopo. For more information, contact: Jacob Molepo, Provincial SecretaryMobile: 0725764979