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DENOSA Gauteng condemns inhumane conduct and hatred directed to nurses by Gauteng Health and calls for a total overhaul of senior management in the department

MEDIA ALERT for immediate circulation     Date          : 30 June 2022     To              : All Media houses ________________________________________________________________________ DENOSA in Gauteng to brief media on Sunday on its Programme of Action in response to the Department’s instigation…  JOHANNESBURG – The Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA) in Gauteng strongly condemns the inhumane and … Read more

DENOSA Gauteng condemns SANCO Gauteng’s interim coordinating committee on its unfounded malicious statement released on 19 June 2022 

JOHANNESBURG – The Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA) in Gauteng has noted with disappointment and condemns the malicious political campaign statement released by a factional clique of SANCO, labelling itself as an interim provincial coordinating committee (IPCC).  This IPCC makes various allegations in their statement and seek to position themselves as a mouthpiece … Read more