The collection of mandate from members was concluded on 23 September 2022. The members were requested to respond whether they are ACCEPTING OR REJECTING the final of the employer.
The Current Situation:
1. Term of Agreement – Single.
2. Continuation of Current Cash Gratuity of average R1000 until 31 March 2023.
3. Continuation of Pay Progression of 1.5%.
4. Final Offer of 3%.
DENOSA used two methods of collecting mandate, the online voting and physical meetings. The response of the members was very poor, in particular physical meetings.
The sample is low, only 7.8% of our public sector members responded. The voted members were verified through our membership system that they are DENOSA members in good standing.
The total number of voted members in public sector is 5042 out of 69 082.
Voted 5042:
1. YES = 2060 [41%]
2. NO = 2982 [59%]
The outcome of the mandate is REJECTING the Final Offer.
PSCBC will convene a special meeting for unions to deliver the outcome of the mandate from their respective members.
We will keep our members updated about PSCBC progress.
Issued by
30 September 2022